Linggo, Pebrero 5, 2012

How to Create a Supernatural Pet Sigbin through Rituals

Sigbin is an animal with supernatural ability. It can't be seen at an ordinary circumstances. It can travel faster than any human machine by short cutting the distance between places  by passing through the other dimension before emerging to the real world. It can infect a person with cannibalism, which is eating of flesh and blood of human being.

Shamans of Visayan tribe forebears originated this ritual.

A   bamboo tube   that was cut  at its segmented  portion with one end was cut open and the end that was naturally covered left untouched to served as cover. A chewed concoction from the mixture of tobacco, betel nut, buyo leaves and seashell powdered lime called apog was spitted inside the bamboo tube.
Then it will be stoppered with  dried banana leaves on the opened portion.On the day of Good Friday, the tube will be circled around the house for 13th times. After the ceremony the tube will placed inside the earthen jar with cover and buried under the house that could not be disturbed. On the next Good Friday it will be dug and brought up  and  be circled again around the house for 13th times. You will do this ritual for the next 13 years.

On the 13th year of the cycle, a mouse-like animal  will appear inside the tube. This is the birth of the Sigbin.
You will pamper and feed this animal with good food until it grew up to the size of a cat. As it grew up it will attain the size of a kangaroo. the Sigbin's body resembles to that of the kangaroo with big hind legs  but has short front legs. Its face resembles to a cat with goat-like beards. When this creature reached this size of kangaroo, the shaman can now use this animal in traveling to distant places they wish. When riding the Sigbin they rode facing the tail of the animal.

But extra caution were to be observed by the master of the Sigbin. It should not be left hungry for it will seek food and bite humans who could not see it. Once the humans were bitten by this Sigbin they will be infected by its rabies-like bacteria that will make the person to crave for human flesh and blood like the vampires and the aswang do.

The Sigbin also gave birth and its offspring should be given to the member of the family as a  power gift.

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